Listen to us, Encourage Us, Believe us, And WE will thrive
Welcome to our page
Welcome, you have just made your first step in discovering yourself. Remember, you are never alone and there are always friends and people to support you whether you are confused about your sexuality/gender identity or just need to make like minded friends.
The group now runs two sessions on a Tuesday Evening:
Group 1 is for young people in Year 8 to Year 10 (between the ages of 12-15 years old) from 5pm to 6:30pm
Group 2 is for young people in Year 11 to up to College (between the ages 15- 19 years old) from 6:45pm to 8:15pm
The group is free to attend, check out our About us page which details some of things we do. Contact us by email at or click on our Contact us page if you're interested in joining or would like further information about the group.
If you are thinking about Joining Out of the Can watch our recent film, created by the Young People of OOTC with Mountain Way Pictures (funded by Wiltshire Community Foundation):
Worried about a child?
If you think that a child is in immediate danger, please ring 999 and speak to the police.
Anyone who has a concern about a child, or wants to request help from the service should call 01793 464646 and choose option 2 during normal office hours, which are 8:30am to 4:40pm Monday to Thursday, and 8:30am to 4:00pm on Friday. You can also email:
For out of hours support, including nights, weekends and bank holidays, the Emergency Duty Service (EDS) is available on 01793 436699.
Visit the Swindon Safe Guarding Partnership website for more information.
Swindon Community Lottery
Swindon Community Lottery - Please use the button to sign-up on the right or in the header, and help support Out of the Can.
Are you interested in making a difference to a young person's life, can you spare 3 hours a week on a Tuesday evening, please get in contact with us via the contact page.
OOTC Short Film 'Like A Person'
Our voices
Previous member 'I am just emailing to say thank you. I came a couple of years ago. But it made such a huge difference in my life. You have created such a beautiful safe space for LGBT+ youth and it makes such a difference. It helped me so much in the few times I went, just being in a room of people who understood each other'.